Fruit tree wound protection agent preparation method

In the winter and spring seasons, when pruning fruit trees, many cut-outs and kerfs are left. Usually, cut-offs and kerfs larger than 1 cm in diameter must be coated with a wound protection agent to protect the normal growth of fruit trees. Here are five ways to formulate better protective agents. 1. Take 2 parts of rosin and 1 part of clear oil. First heating the oil, boiling and then adding rosin and mix well can be a protective agent, apply fruit tree wounds. 2, 0.5 kg blue enamel research into fine, and then appropriate amount of soybean oil boiled, then add blue wolfberry and 0.25 kg of weathered lime and stir. The amount of soybean oil is suitable to make the blue glutinous and lime into a paste. 3, raw Tung oil or oil 3, white lead oil 1, mixed and mixed evenly. 4. Add 6 parts of rosin and 2 parts of animal oil to warm up. Stir well and then slowly add 2 parts of alcohol and 1 part of turpentine. Stir well and bottling. 5, with the slow fire to 4 parts of rosin, then add 1-2 parts of bee vinegar and 1 part of animal oil, make it fully melted and stir, and then poured into cold water to cool, used to make a dough into a backup. China Agricultural Network Editor