Vegetable pest spraying technology

There are many types of vegetable pests, but they can be classified into three categories: sucking juice, eating leaves, and drilling. The habits of each type of pest are different. According to their common characteristics and personality and the characteristics of the host's growth, targeted spraying control, so that the drug directly contact with the body, to achieve a more ideal control effect. 1. Spraying technology is closely related to living habits and harmful habits of pests. Sucker sucking locusts and some leaf-eating pests are concentrated on the leaves of the leaves and twigs of the leaves. They should be sprayed in a “painted circle” manner. The nozzle of the sprayer sprays a circle with the leaves of the plant first, and then sprays it on the tender head, so that all the plants and the worm body come into contact with the medicament, and can receive better control effects. The older larvae of Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera exigua have hiding phenomenon during the day. Therefore, it is advisable to control these pests during the growing season by spraying them in the evening. Drilling pests must be sprayed at the peak of egg hatching. 2. The spray technique is also closely related to the growth characteristics of the host. Summer cowpea flowering time is about 7:30 to 10:30 in the morning. After this time, the petals are all closed. The early-instar larvae of the bean pods are dispersed or concentrated. Spraying should be done before 9:00 am. This will allow the worms to fully access the medicines, or miss opportunities. The leaves of cabbage vegetables are covered with a layer of wax powder. When biological insecticide Bt is used to control cabbage caterpillar, 0.1% detergent is often added to the liquid to reduce the surface tension and evenly distribute the liquid on the leaves. Improve control efficiency.


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