Special care before and after calving for dairy cows

1. Milk cows have a dry period of about 60 days before delivery. At this time, it is necessary to determine the amount of concentrate feed according to the public opinion. Generally, the amount of concentrate fed on a day cannot exceed 4 kg. The concentrated feed is mainly based on high-quality hay, which can strengthen the gastrointestinal system. Digestive ability to prevent the cows from becoming over-fat and help the cows to produce calves. At this time, attention should be paid to the supply of calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic salts, reduced to the usual 1/3-1/2, the general supply of calcium accounted for 0.2% -0.25% of dietary dry matter is appropriate, phosphorus is 0.24% It is appropriate. 2. Strengthen the breast massage of the newly produced cattle. Early-producing cows In the later stages of pregnancy, the breeder should have more exposure to it, and at the latest two or three months before giving birth, he is accustomed to the management of lactating cattle, including milking operations. The initial production of cattle before prenatal massage breasts, can promote the growth and development of the mammary gland, increase its milk production after delivery of about 10% -20%, promote human and animal affinity, to prevent kicking. The specific approach is to start 2-3 times a day (early, middle and late) with a massage starting around two to three months before delivery. Each massage lasts from 5 minutes to 10 minutes until 7 days before delivery. Do not wipe the nipple during the massage of the breast so as not to wipe off the waxy protection (papillary plug) around the nipple. 3. Prevent mastitis. When we stop breastfeeding, the use of drugs for nipple closure can effectively prevent postpartum mastitis. Specific approach: After the last squeezing milk, take 3.2 million penicillin powder units, 2 million units of streptomycin powder, mix in 100-150 ml of vegetable oil after high-temperature sterilization, mix well, and use the Tongmai needle. Into the nipple hole. In addition, there are also finished products "dry milk needles" sold on the market, which also have a good effect in preventing mastitis. 4. Prevent postpartum paralysis. After the birth, the milk cannot be squeezed completely. Otherwise, the breast internal pressure is significantly reduced, which can cause postpartum cramps of the high-yielding dairy cows. Generally, the first milking amount after delivery should be controlled at about 2 kg, and the second day should be squeezed 1/3, and the third day must be squeezed. 1/2, after the fourth day can be squeezed completely. At the same time, the method of adjusting calcium and phosphorus should be adopted. About 40g of calcium and phosphorus should be supplied daily within 2 weeks before delivery. The amount of postpartum calcium and phosphorus can gradually return to normal level as they rise. This "high-low-high" method can stimulate bovine body absorption of calcium and phosphorus and play a role in disease prevention. Prenatal and postpartum intravenous calcium delivery can also be used. Specific practice: Intravenous 5% calcium chloride solution 500ml or 10% calcium gluconate 750ml is given intravenously within 1 week after prepartum. 5. Prevention of no more than no placenta. Under normal conditions, the placenta on the cow can fall off within 12 hours after delivery. If the placenta has not been discharged after 12 hours (8 hours in summer) after birth, measures should be taken. Otherwise, adverse consequences are likely to occur. Intramuscular injection of oxytocin or intravenous injection of 1000 ml of 10% glucose is generally effective. It can promote uterine contraction and discharge the tire coat as soon as possible. In addition, after the cows have given birth, they should immediately drive up and drink as soon as possible with warm motherwort soup (Leonurus 100g, bran 50g, calcium carbonate 50g, warm water 10-15kg), but also conducive to recovery and discharge of the placenta. 6. For healthy, normal delivery cows, they should be allowed to freely eat hay and try to avoid feeding too much corn silage. Starting from the fourth day of delivery, supplementation with 0.5 kg daily increments of concentrates allowed the cows to consume about 10 kg of condiment during the 11 days after delivery, which not only slowed the weight loss of the delivery cows within 15 days after delivery. And it can promote the increase of milk production.

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