Main Causes and Countermeasures of Abnormal Mushrooming of Agaricus Blazei

Agaricus blazei is one of the most unstable strains in production and traits of cultivated edible fungi. It often produces poor harvests or even no yield. From the perspective of Lishui City's production situation, Agaricus blazei does not have three strong performances: First, it is normal but not strong, that is, only mycelium and no fruit body, accounting for about 60% of the total amount; Germ, accounting for about 30%; Third, after the formation of the primordial wither or decay. We investigated the causes of previous failures and analyzed them in conjunction with Laboratory tests. 1. The main factors affecting the solidity In a strict sense, technical errors in any one production process may lead to production failure. However, there are mainly the following aspects. (1) The mushrooming temperature is the most important factor affecting the mushrooming of Agaricus Blazei. Agaricus blazei mycelium culture temperature range (10 ~ 37 °C), production generally does not appear problems, the key is the fruiting body stage, the required temperature of 20 ~ 33 °C, the optimum 22 ~ 25 °C, and differentiation from the primordium It took about 2 weeks to form a mushroom bud, and each mushroom in the production was normal and must have an ambient temperature of 20 to 33°C for about 20 days. During this period, too low and high temperatures could result in failure. Due to temperature, four kinds of situations are often encountered in the production process: First, there is no stable weather condition during the entire fruiting season, and the temperature is high and low. Second, when conditions conducive to mushrooming temperature occur, but the mycelium does not reach physiological maturity, or when the tide is not enough time to keep bacteria, missed fruiting time. Third, when there was a favorable mushrooming temperature, no mushrooming measures were taken. The fourth is that the cultivation facilities are not perfect, and no measures to adjust the temperature are taken, or the facilities used are likely to cause significant temperature changes. (2) Formulation and treatment of culture materials The unscientific formulation of culture materials or improper handling will cause no bacteria or mushroom abnormalities. The most common production conditions are: (1) The selection of culture raw materials is more simple, fresh, and mainly wood-based. Material, or culture formulations, have significant deficiencies. 2 Cultivated cultivation materials are not ripened by composting, or acidified materials (such as dung, etc.) are added. 3 The fermentation of composting was not performed as required, or the fermentation failed. (3) Cultivation technology measures Cultivation management, especially some key technical aspects, did not take corresponding measures, resulting in mushrooming disorders or lesions, mainly including: (1) In the formation phase of fruit bodies, proper management of water and ventilation was not carried out, making it difficult for fruiting bodies to form. 2 The field cultivated plots were not pest-prevented before use, and pest control measures were not effective during the cultivation phase. 3 It is eroded by rain and the material layer is flooded for a long time. 2. Preventive Measures for Abnormal Mushrooming Ensure that the amount of mushrooms is normal is the key to successful cultivation of Agaricus blazei. The biological characteristics of Agaricus blazei should be specially noted in the following three aspects. (1) Reasonable arrangement of production season This is the key to successful cultivation of Agaricus blazei. Using the characteristics of wide temperature range of Agaricus blazei murill to properly arrange the production earlier, the general should be based on meteorological data from various places, in the first ten days of the average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, inoculated or sowed 3 months in advance, so that the physiological full maturity The mycelium waits for the appropriate period of mushrooming, but it cannot be reversed. For example, in spring in Lishui City (at 28 degrees north latitude), mushrooms are usually inoculated before mid-February. Raw material cultivation generally does not arrange autumn fruiting. For clinker cultivation, “seasonal cultivation” should be considered, ie autumn inoculation of autumn mushrooms, or autumn inoculation in the spring of next year. (2) Doing well the composting and fermentation of culture materials No matter what kind of cultivation methods are adopted, the culture materials should be subjected to fermentation treatment. The raw material cultivation should be completely treated according to the fermentation process, and no culture materials with incomplete fermentation or fermentation failure should be used. The clinker cultivation can be carried out "semi-fermented" for a period of not less than 5 days (new material is not less than 8 days) and no less than one tumbling in the middle (new material not less than 2 times). The fermented culture should not have sour smell. (3) Take corresponding technical management measures according to the changing seasons and climate change. The important points to be taken into account in the management are: 1 Spraying heavy water and strengthening ventilation when the original base occurs. 2 When the winter is over the summer, the moisture in the material layer is properly controlled. 3 emphasis on pest control work during the germination period.


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