Application of Prescription Fertilizers

Formula fertilization is the comprehensive use of modern agricultural science and technology achievements. Based on the laws of crop manure requirements, soil nutrient performance and fertilizer effects, the reasonable ratio, dosage and corresponding amount of organic fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, and various trace fertilizers are put forward before crop sowing. Fertilization technology. Formula fertilization contains the two meanings of “formula” and “fertilizer”. The core of "recipe" is the accurate measurement of fertilization so that various nutrients form a scientific formula. “Fertilization” refers to the method of applying the fertilizer type determined before planting, for example, whether it is used as a base fertilizer or top dressing, and it is a furrow application or a hole application. The following questions should be paid attention to when applying the formula fertilization technique: (1) The foundation of formula fertilization is the scientific judgment of soil fertility, and the basis for the determination is the soil analysis and the crop experiment conducted on the soil. There are many kinds of soils in China, and there are great differences in soil fertility levels. Different soils have different nutrient supply capabilities. The soil nutrient supply capacity should be determined according to the nature of the soil and the nutrient content of the soil. (2) Different crop varieties and even different varieties of the same crop require different fertilizer laws. In production, the fertilizer dosage and fertilization method should be scientifically determined according to the nutrient characteristics of crops and their nutrient requirements. (3) At present, China's popularization and application is mainly based on nutrient balance method and fertilization. This method is easy to grasp, but it must have five valid data when applied, that is, the planned crop yield, the amount of fertilizer per unit of economic output, and the amount of soil fertilizer supply. Fertilizer use efficiency and nutrient content of fertilizers. The most critical data is the amount of fertilizer available from the soil, which requires soil analysis to be accurately determined.

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