Apple tiger skin disease should be prevented and treated early

The apple tiger skin disease, also known as apple brown scald, is a serious physiological disease that is easy to occur in apple in the later period of storage. Many varieties are susceptible to the disease. Because the spread of tiger skin disease is closely related to the gas composition in the storage environment, once the occurrence occurs, the entire library suffers damage and serious losses will occur. Therefore, all places where there is an apple storage habit, especially in places where there is a special operation for storage, should pay enough attention to tiger skin disease and start prevention and treatment as soon as possible. The occurrence of tiger skin disease has a clear and gradual process. At the early stage of disease, the skin of the diseased area was light yellow-brown. Afterwards, the color darkened to a dark brown color. It was an irregular micro-recess, but it was generally not deep enough for the flesh. Severe episodes of the skin disease department still seem to burn, can be removed as a piece, the flesh is brown and hairy, slightly alcoholic, and easily lead to fruit rot. The main reason for the occurrence of tiger skin disease in apple is that acetaldehyde is produced when fruits are stored for anaerobic respiration, and the activity of dehydrogenase is inhibited, resulting in oxidative discoloration of phenolic substances in the skin cells. The incidence of apple tiger skin disease is not only related to the characteristics of the varieties, but also related to the cultivation techniques, the harvest time, and the environmental conditions of storage. Among the current cultivars, Fuji, Red Star, Qin Guan, Hua Guan, Jin Guan, etc., all have tiger skin disease; partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, canopy closure, and fruit with indigo in the intestine are often severe; As early as the late storage temperature is too high, will make the occurrence of tiger skin disease. In addition, in the storage environment, where air does not flow, it is also easy to develop. To control the occurrence of apple tiger skin disease, we must first start by adopting a reasonable comprehensive cultivation techniques, such as controlling the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, increasing the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, strengthening the tree body and preventing vagrancy; rational pruning, making the crowns airy and transparent, Enhance the photosynthetic performance of the tree; appropriate load, promote fruit coloring, improve fruit quality. Second, it can be controlled from the following aspects to reduce the occurrence of tiger skin disease. (1) Appropriately increase the maturity of harvesting, and select the storage of colored fruits. (2) The air-conditioning storage, appropriate increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the storage gas composition, should generally be maintained at 3% -4% (Fuji varieties can not exceed 2%), and control the storage temperature at around 0 °C. (3) 3-4 grams of diphenylamine or ethoxyquin can also be sprayed on the partition of the carton with paper containing 1.5-2 mg of diphenylamine or paper containing 2 mg of ethoxyquin. Dipping fruit with 4-5 mg/L diphenylamine solution or 0.25-0.35% ethoxyquin solution has a certain control effect. (4) Strengthen ventilation and ventilation in the warehouse, and check frequently. Once the signs of tiger skin disease have been discovered, they must be immediately organized for out-of-pocket sales to prevent further spread and avoid disease in the whole bank, so as to avoid significant losses.

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