The Occurrence and Control of Jiangyan

Jiang Yu, also known as ginger corruption, is a devastating disease that seriously affects the production of ginger. In recent years, it has become increasingly serious in the main producing areas of ginger, with losses of 25%-35% and serious losses of more than 50%. First, the occurrence of symptoms The disease mainly harms underground rhizomes, but also endanger the aboveground stems and leaves, usually more than the first in the stem base and underground rhizome near the ground disease. At the early stage of disease, the leaves of the plant were drooping, rewinding, flat pendulum, and the tips of the leaves and veins were bright yellow and later became yellow-brown. The lesion at the base of the stem and the junction of the ginger was initially tinged with yellowish-brown water, and then the tissue gradually became soft. At the same time, the diseased ginger began to appear dark purple and later became yellowish-brown and rot inside. Finally, the stems and leaves die and fall down, making it easy to pull up. Second, the occurrence characteristics Jiang Yan is caused by Pseudomonas solani infestation, a bacterial disease. With the diseased body overwintering in the field or ginger roots, ginger seedlings grown with the diseased ginger will become diseased and become the central diseased plant in the field. The germs are mainly spread by irrigation water, surface water, underground pests, and rain splashes. Ginger species is the main method for long-distance transmission of diseases, high temperature and humidity, when the weather is fine, it is conducive to the epidemic of diseases. Generally, in the case of continuous cropping, soil viscous weight, low-lying water, no cover, serious damage to the underground pests, partial application of nitrogen fertilizers, and injury to planting crops, ginger borers will occur severely. According to the survey, the growth and decline of general diseases began in the middle of June. The disease began to grow from early July to early September, and the incidence peaked. In October, the condition gradually stabilized; The diseased planting rate was 14% in the year, the diseased planting rate was 40% in one year in rotation, and the diseased planting rate in continuous cropping was 78%; the sandy soil water permeability was late and light; the organic fertilizer was used as the base fertilizer and the phosphorus was increased. Potassium fertilizer can increase plant resistance to disease and cause mild disease. III. Prevention and control measures 1. Agricultural control 1 The crop rotation should be more than 2 years, and the former crop should be cabbage and the garlic crop should be better, so as to avoid replanting the solanaceous crops with bacterial wilt. 2 Select well-drained sandy loam, deep trenches, and reduce the humidity in the field. The soil in low-lying land is sticky and wet, and it is easy to crack and cut roots in sunny days. The humidity in the rainy days is too high and it is easy to develop. 3 Apply adequately decomposed organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, apply more plant ash, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and increase plant disease resistance. 4 In the hot and dry season, implement cold water pouring in the morning and evening, do not flood the water, so that the surface of the see dry see wet; high temperature and rainy season, timely drainage of water in the ditch, so that the rain stops cool. 2. Chemical Control 1 Soil Disinfection: Use 1 ml of green hengheng No. 8 per square meter, add 2 kg of water, spray the medicine on the surface of the soil, and then open the ditch to make a hoe; find the diseased plants to timely remove the burned or buried burial, and in the disease The meat is sprayed and disinfected. Can use 5% copper sulfate or 5% bleach or 72% of agricultural streptomycin 3000-4000 times, showering 0.5-1 kg per hole. 2 Ginger Sterilization: The use of streptomycin sulfate concentration of 510E-4 soaking for 48 hours, or 40% formalin 100 times liquid immersion, stuffy species for 6 hours, or 30% copper oxychloride 800 times soaking 6 hours . When planting, the ginger cuttings must be planted after cultivating wood ash. 3 Chemical control: In the early stage of disease, spray green hengheng No. 6 (Kinxiaokang, original sterilizing king) 800-1000 times liquid; or use green hunger No. 3 800 times liquid rooting, rooting once every 7-10 days, Continuously spray 4 times or spray 1200-1500 times with green hendosine, the effect of alternation of use of agents is better; or use 20% Yehuming 1300 times or 30% copper oxychloride 800 times or 1:1: 100 Bordeaux fluid, use 75-100 kg of liquid per acre, control once every 10-15 days, 2-3 times in total, or use Kangdi Lei to irrigate the roots at the beginning of the disease, and irrigate every 10 days. 1 time, you can even two irrigation.

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