New technology of mushroom cultivation

Japan's segment wood mushroom is a high quality and high price product in the international market and occupies an important position in its national economy. There are many places worthy of learning from Japan's section of Mushroom cultivation technology. The key points of Japanese Mushroom cultivation techniques are as follows:
(1) The tree species suitable for the preparation of section wood shall be scorpions and chestnuts. The tree age is 10 to 30 years and the tree diameter is 5 to 25 cm. Requests for logging when the leaves have three-points of yellow, from about mid-October to the following March, cold from about September to April, that is, from the end of the growth of the autumn trees to one month before the next spring During the rest period, logging and cutting are performed. Lime water was applied to the incision. After harvesting for 2 weeks to 1 month, the wood was cut into pieces of 1 to 1.2 meters long. At the same time, the branches were shaved and the shavings needed to be 3 to 4 cm long.

(2) As soon as the cut-off wood is cut off, the inoculated section should be inoculated as soon as possible. Therefore, the wood is fresh and the water content is moderate (40-50%), which can not only inhibit the germination of trees, but also meet the needs of mushroom mycelium reproduction. Judging from the section fractures of Duanmu, its cracks are not more than 2/3 of the diameter of the section, otherwise it is regarded as excessive drying. Using over-dried or cross-section cracks that turn dark brown, the growth of mycelia is unfavorable after inoculation. The optimal time for inoculation is from February to March, and the temperature is required to be stable at about 10 °C. It is best to inoculate on cloudy days. Inoculated with a wooden drill with a special drill in the section of wood perforation, hole density, tandem distance is generally 1/2 of the sectional value of the sectional section of the wood, the number of inoculated holes for the wood section diameter 26 (or 7). Because the transverse propagation of hyphae is more difficult to reproduce than in depth, the spacing of seed holes should be 5-6 cm apart. Due to the easy invasion of the wounds at the ends of the twigs and the cuts at the branches, the spacing of the nearest seed holes at the two ends of the wood is 5 cm. The two sides of the wound and twig incision should be used for 1 to 2 more points. The inoculated woody species were drilled with a drill with a diameter of 12 mm. The depth of the hole was suitable for penetrating the bark to reach the xylem. The inoculum was then used to insert the bacteria into the hole and sealed with a special foam plug or bark cover (the bark cover was immersed in boiling water for 30 minutes before use) and the cap was covered with melted paraffin.

(3) The amount of mycelial growth in the wood of the fungus segment is an important indicator of the amount of fruit body production. According to the study, 100 grams of dried mycelium in the bacterial bed can produce 28 grams of dried mushrooms; 200 grams of mycelia can produce 60 grams of dried mushrooms; 300 grams of mycelia can produce 95 grams of dried mushrooms. In order to allow good mycelium growth of mushroom mycelium in order to increase the amount of mycelium in the mushroom wood, the inoculated section wood should be stored for one month regardless of whether it is lying horizontally (5 cm above the ground) or standing trees around the woodland. To use branches, film covers, in the homestead to cover with a straw mat, in order to grow mycelium. When using a film, be aware that the temperature inside the film cannot be too high. The fungus field must have environmental conditions such as direct light, ventilation, good drainage, and low humidity, so as to achieve the "six dry and four wet" and "three negative and seven positive" germination environments. During the period from late April to May, the growth of mycelia in the section of wood was sampled, and 1 to 2 seed points were randomly picked to observe the hyphae. If the white genus grew normally, if it was black, it must be removed and replanted as soon as possible. During the accumulation period, if there is a continuous sunny day, the water should be sprayed regularly, and the water should be turned (or turned) once a month to adjust the humidity of the wood. The white mycelium can be seen at both ends of the mushroom and around the inoculation hole, and then it gradually turns into a dark brown, indicating that the hyphae are well developed in the mushroom, and should be promptly discharged to promote the growth and propagation of mycelium.

(4) The shading rate of the branches and leaves in the discharge field of the election site is preferably 85 to 95%. The surrounding area should be open, well ventilated, and the drainage is convenient. The air humidity can reach 70 to 80%. Before the discharge, the weeds on the site should be removed. The discharge of the microbial bed from the dry site is lower than that of the ground, and the wet site is slightly higher. Generally flat and wetland row "person" shape is appropriate; flat, wet and foggy or bacteria bed is too wet, it was "well" shaped discharge; In the rainy season, the bacteria bed should be covered with film to avoid rain. After the rainy season, the two ends of the wood are exchanged so that the mycelium grows evenly. Weeding is performed here to facilitate ventilation. After every 1 to 2 months, Duanmu is switched up and down once. After more than half a year of keeping bacteria, the bed of bacteria has become more mature. If the mycelium develops well, use the finger to press the mushroom bark to have a soft and elastic feeling. At this time, the weight of the fungus bed will be reduced, and the turbid voice will be heard when tapping. The bark will be peeled off and the inner side will be white, and the unique mushroom fragrance will be distributed. It shows that the bacteria bed has been matured.

(5) Fruiting management When the mushroom bed is mature and is about to come into fruition, it should be moved to a suitable place to be “person” shaped stacking to make it easier to mushroom. The mushrooming field requires the environmental conditions of "four dry and six wet" and "seven yin and three yang". Before the mushrooming, it is ideal to have 1 to 2 times of soaking rain. If there is no rain, artificial water spraying and wood shocking should be performed. Without a tapped and immersed bacterium bed, the amount of fruiting bodies was greatly reduced. However, it should be noted that although flooding can increase the amount of mushroom production, excess water in the bacteria bed can cause insufficient void space (air volume) in the bacteria bed, which also affects the yield. According to the above methods, some “reporting mushrooms” can occur in the autumn of the spring inoculation in the fall of the year and occur in the fall of the second year. The number of fungal beds occurring in 1 to 3 years is the highest, occurring naturally for about 5 to 6 years. The total yield of mushrooms in the whole cycle can reach 20 to 35% of the weight of the wood. It is used to dry thick fleshy mushrooms, picking up six separate caps, disappearing luster and picking up when the growth stops. Thin meat “Winter Letter” is picked when the cap is separated. When it rains, the moisture content of the mushrooms increases, and the quality deteriorates. Picking should be carried out on sunny days as much as possible. Each section of wood in Japan can receive an average of 150 grams (about 100 grams in China) of dried mushrooms, and there is a large gap between the theoretical calculations (270-400 grams) of nutrients contained in the sections of wood.

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