Maize deficiency control method

During the whole growth period of corn, it is often due to the lack of a certain kind of nutrient elements that seriously impedes the growth and development of corn and affects its quality and yield.

First, the lack of nitrogen: corn seedling nitrogen deficiency when the slow growth, short thin, yellow-green leaves, smoking late. During the prosperous growth period, the old leaves were yellowed from the tip of the leaf to the base of the leaf, and the yellow part showed a “v” shape. The leaf margin remained green and slightly curled, and it finally died as a result of burning. Prevention and control measures: Medium fertility corn fields generally apply 11 kg to 13 kg of pure nitrogen. In summer corn, it is mainly applied in three times: the first time in the seedling stage, topdressing, the amount of application accounted for 20% of the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to corn; the second time in the Dagubei mouth period, the application rate accounts for 70%; Three times in the tasseling flowering stage, accounting for 10% of the total nitrogen fertilizer application.

Second, phosphorus deficiency: The main symptoms of phosphorus deficiency is poor root development, seedling growth is slow, obvious symptoms of phosphorus deficiency after the five leaf stage, the leaves were purple, the tip of purple, leaf edge curl, and phosphorus deficiency will make filaments The slow rate of extraction results in infertility of female flowers and male flowers, pollination, and ear curling, uneven ears, lack of full grain, bald appearance, and delayed ripening. Prevention and control measures: Generally, 5 kg of phosphorus pentoxide is applied in Mushi, and all are applied together with nitrogenous fertilizer at the seedling stage.

3. Potassium Deficiency: When maize lacks potassium, the roots are poorly developed, the plants grow slowly, the leaf color is light green with yellow-green stripes, and when the leaves are severe, the leaf edges and tips appear purple, and then dry and burning. The middle part of the leaves is still It can remain green and the leaves gradually become wrinkled. The plants appear to be thin, susceptible to disease, prone to inflection, poor ear development, baldness, and starch content in the grains is small. Control measures: Generally, 6 kg to 8 kg of potassium oxide are applied in Mushi, and all are applied together with nitrogen fertilizer at the seedling stage.

Fourth, the lack of zinc: severe zinc deficiency in corn will appear to spend white seedlings. Its main feature is that in the 3rd to 5th leaf stages of maize, white seedlings begin to appear. The young leaves of the petals are pale yellow to white, especially in the leaf base at 2/3, and when severe, the young leaves of the seedlings appear fine. White spots, and rapid expansion, the formation of local white areas or necrotic plaque, leaf necrosis, leaf translucent, white silk or plastic film, the wind easily broken. Prevention and control measures: The method of applying zinc to corn mainly includes basic planting, seed dressing and spraying. Kishi is mixed with 1 kg to 2 kg of zinc sulfate per acre mixed with fine soil and sprinkled into the sowing ditch or hole before sowing. Seed dressing every 10 kg of seeds with zinc sulfate 40 grams to 60 grams dissolved in 0.5 kg of water, sprayed on the seed surface, air dry and sowing. The concentration of sprayed zinc sulfate solution is 0.2%. Generally, it can be sprayed during the three growth periods before seedling, jointing and heading, and 50 kg to 75 kg of fertilizer per mu.

5. Boron deficiency: The lack of boron in maize is characterized by underdeveloped roots, short plants, thinning of the veins in the upper leaves, white, transparent striations, thin leaves, whiteness, and even death; growth points are inhibited and tassels are not extracted. Out of this, the male flower significantly degenerates and becomes smaller, so that it shrinks, the ear is degenerately deformed, and the top grain is empty. Control measures: borax or boric acid can be applied by topdressing, spraying, etc. Topdressing with 0.5 kg of borax per acre is appropriate; foliar spray concentration is controlled at 0.1% ~ 0.3%, the most commonly used concentration is 0.2%.

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