In the early summer, I forgot to treat fruit trees

Main Physiological Diseases and Prevention of Table Grapes 1. Main Physiological Diseases and Causes 1. Grape water bottle disease Grape water bottle disease, also known as color disease, is characterized by abnormal coloration of fruits, and the color of red (purple) varieties is shallow and dark. , Loss of luster, white variety fruit vesicle-like, soft flesh, skin and pulp can be easily separated into a packet of acid water, disease fruit significantly reduced sugar content, acidity increased, can not eat. The disease often occurs at the tip of the grape ear or on the deputy panicles. The incidence of grape culms is small, and the culprit grapes are easily detached. The disease is mainly caused by malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies. Generally, the disease is severe when the tree vigor is weak, the weight is too heavy, the result is too much, the fertilizer and water, and the effective leaf area is insufficient. High groundwater level or grape ripening period suffers from rainfall, especially in the event of high temperatures, high temperatures and high humidity in the fields. 2. Grape burn disease Grape burn disease, also known as sunburn, mainly occurs in the shoulder and sunny side of the ear, the affected grape grains form pale brown dry cocoon, micro depression, sickness is rough, sunburn is easy to cause bacteria The fruit rots. The disease is mainly caused by the grape granules under high temperature and strong light, the local temperature of the grape granule surface is too high, the water is misaligned and causes burns, or the leaves and grape granules compete for water, causing the grape granules to lose water locally, and then caused by high temperature burns. . The incidence of different varieties is different, Red Globe, non-nuclear white chicken heart disease and other types of disease, Kyo light. The grape type and management level also have a great influence on the severity of the disease. Sheds are heavier than scaffolds, and the orchards with high groundwater levels and poor drainage have a more severe disease, and the incidence of partial nitrogen fertilizers is also heavier. 3. Physiology of grape The fruit cracking occurred in the fruit of grape after the color change period of the grape. The peel of the grape, together with the flesh, cracked longitudinally. The longitudinal cracks from the top of the grapes to the stems of the fruit of the grapes even exposed the core. The disease is mainly after a long-lasting drought in the grape growing season. Suddenly it encounters rainfall or flooding. The growth of the pulp is accelerated and the rind is stretched, causing fruit cracking. In addition, some grape varieties produce fruit too tight, with the increase in fruit size, squeezed fruit particles, or poor peel toughness can lead to fruit cracking. 4. Physiological physiology The leaf defoliation of deciduous grapes is mainly caused by soil drought or excessive soil moisture. 5. Grapevine deficiency syndrome Due to different soil and cultivation management factors, some vineyards often exhibit different levels of nutrient deficiency, and lack any of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. All affect their growth potential, plant weakness, reduce production, affect quality, severe plant premature aging, induce the occurrence of certain invasive diseases and aggravate harm, will also reduce the other non-invasive diseases such as cold damage, frost damage, drought Damage, resistance to sunburn, etc. Second, prevention and control measures 1. Increase the organic fertilizer orchard grass, timely cutting, each year late autumn ploughing the soil, increase the application of organic fertilizer, strive to obtain more than 1.5% of soil organic matter content, fertilization amount of at least kg of fruit, according to plant growth Fertilization laws are required to implement formula fertilization, timely and appropriate soil topdressing or foliar spray nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements, to avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. 2. Scientific irrigation and drainage According to the soil moisture content of vineyards, timely irrigation and drainage to avoid drastic changes in soil moisture content. 3. Control results After the flowering topping and thinning and fruit thinning, maintain a suitable amount of fruit set and avoid overloading the tree body, use more scaffolding or small scaffolding to increase the height of the ear. 4. Reasonably pruning trees with strong growth and vegetative overgrowth should be lightly cut, long-distanced, and weaken the vegetative growth. Keep as few as possible or leave no panicles. Each ear should have at least 16 leaves remaining. For varieties that are prone to sunburn, the leaves should be properly shaded near the ear during summer cuts, but excessive leaves in other parts should be preserved. Remove it properly so that it does not compete with the fruit for moisture. 5. Covering plastic film and bagging with a plastic film cover has a significant effect on the protection of physiological cracking also has a good effect. Bagging can prevent the occurrence of sunburn disease and physiological cracking disease, and can also prevent the infection of fruits and insect pests and pollution of pesticides on fruit products. Second, prevention and control measures 1. Increase the application of organic fertilizer or application of antibiotic fertilizer and cake fertilizer, and increase tree vigor. 2. Remove stagnant water. 3. Remove the mycorrhiza, sterilize the roots and replace with sterile new soil. 4. Disinfect with medicament. Sodium pentachlorophenol 250 to 300 times; 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times; 50% Benzoate 1000 to 2000 times; 70% pentachloronitrobenzene. Small trees with 50 ~ 100 grams of liquid per plant, trees 150 ~ 300 grams of liquid per plant, mixed with new soil applied to the roots. Prevention and control of persimmon diseases and pests (1) Persimmon worms: 7-8 days after the initial flowering period of persimmon trees (peak period of overwintering adult emergence) 2500 times spraying 25% diflubenzuron No. 3; or 2,500 times more sweeping profit; or Po 1000 times; or 2000-500 times higher effective hydrogen-permethrin. From mid-July to early August, the first-generation adults were prevented and treated during the peak period of emergence. Ibid. The key part of the fight was fruit pedicel. From mid-June to mid-July, artificial harvesting and picking up the dead fruit formed by the victim were deeply buried. (2) Persimmon persimmon: Persimmon persicae is sprayed with 1500-2000 times of furazolidone on the tree during the flood season, or 800-1000 times of speed per gram. During the period, the drug fluocinone is 1500-2000 times, or high-efficiency chlorocyal is 2000-2500 times, and the key parts of the fight, branches, leaves, fruits, persimmon, zhizhiping, and tea leafhopper, leafhopper, etc. (3) persimmon Caterpillar: Combine the above-mentioned fight drugs to prevent and treat the persimmon worms and branches of the persimmon caterpillars.(D) Persimmon garden leaf spot and angular spot disease: the infection period of the persimmon leaf spot is from June to July, the incubation period is 60 to 90 days; The infection period is from July to August and the incubation period is from 25 to 31 days. Both of these diseases can cause defoliation, fruit redness, softening, and early shedding. Chemical control, according to the law of pathogenic infection, should be at the end of May in late June and the end of July Sprayed once each time, focus on spraying leaves, available 70% mancozeb WP; 500 times; 80 Dasheng WP 800 times; 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1000 times; or 1:500 to 600 times more lime Bordeaux mixture. Pest control Peach tree scale insect damage peach peach species are many, our province The main reason is that the North Korean ball is strong, belonging to the genus Homoptera, Polygonidae, and Trichodendron. When the amount is large, the affected branches are full of shells, causing poor growth of the trees, and the leaves and twigs are dead or even severe in severe cases. The death of a strain of North Korean ball occurs one year in a row, wintering on the branches with the second instar nymph, and the end of April to mid-May is the most dangerous period.A female lays over 700 grains and can reach up to 1400-1500 grains for many times. The eggs hatch from the middle and late May and the hatching period from the end of May to the beginning of June.Prevention and treatment of peach tree scale insects, mainly by drug killing, before the peach germination in early spring, spraying 5 degrees lime sulfur or 5% Diesel emulsion; when the nymphs hatch and proliferate in large amounts from the mother's shell, spray 50% marathon 800-1000 times, 40% omethoate 800-1000 times or 80%, dichlorvos 1500-2000 times, All have good results; however, it is often difficult to obtain pesticides after the nymphs have spread. In addition, attention should be paid to the protection and utilization of natural predators such as the black-spotted ladybugs, etc. Pear diseases and pest control Pear trees are treated with 800-fold solution of freshwater, 600 times liquid of Xiansheng, and 300 times of 25% carbendazim powder. Rust 1500 times solution for pear rust, pear black heart disease, pear brown spot, flower rot prevention, continuous 2 or 3 times, once every 10 to 15 days, with 30% trichlorfon 800 times, 2.5 % Enemy killed 3000 times liquid to control pear borer, pear caterpillar and pear stem bee; use 40% dimethoate to control pear aphids.

An active ingredient (AI) is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically active. The similar terms active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and bulk active are also used in medicine, and the term active substance may be used for natural products. Some medication products may contain more than one active ingredient. The traditional word for the API is pharmacon or pharmakon (from Greek: φάρμακον, adapted from pharmacos) which originally denoted a magical substance or drug.

The term active constituent is often chosen when referring to the active substance of interest in a plant (such as salicylic acid in willow bark or arecoline in areca nuts), because the word ingredient in many minds connotes a sense of human agency (that is, something that a person combines with other substances), whereas the natural products present in plants were not added by any human agency but rather occurred naturally ("a plant doesn't have ingredients").

In contrast with the active ingredients, the inactive ingredients are usually called excipients in pharmaceutical contexts. The main excipient that serves as a medium for conveying the active ingredient is usually called the vehicle. Petrolatum and mineral oil are common vehicles.

Other APIs

Adrenaline Medication Hormone,SodiuM Picosulphate USP,Addyi Ingredients Flibanserin,Brevibloc Active Effective Material

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