Identify the symptoms of vegetable use skillfully

Tomato and other vegetables are affected by many factors such as planting, management measures, prevention and treatment of drugs, climatic conditions, and fertilizer application, and various types of pests and diseases often occur. In production practice, vegetable farmers can use the gradual elimination method for disease diagnosis.

First, the disease

Pathogens that are caused by disruption and disruption of plant growth and development caused by pathogenic parasites often have pathogenesis centers, from point to surface.

1. Fungal Diseases Vegetables are infected with pathogenic bacteria, infected parts, and mycoplasma and diseased spots.

2. Bacterial diseases The diseased vegetables make the tissues disintegrate and rot.

3, virus disease caused by the sickness of vegetables, clusters, dwarfism, mosaic shrinkage embolism and accompanied by the spread of infection.

Second, pests

Harmful insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, cotton bollworms, etc., suck and eat vegetables and cause abnormal growth and damage to the plants. Visible worms are visible and no pathogens are visible.

Third, physiological diseases

Affected by the adverse growth environment and weather, planting habits, improper management, and other factors, the local vegetable and whole plant abnormalities, no pests and pathogens at the beginning, often began to occur.

1. Phenomenon of abnormal growth and death due to excessive application of pesticides or misapplication, drift, etc.

1 Germicide damage. The phenomenon of plant and leaf phenotyping due to the drop and Fruit drop caused by the application of a bactericidal agent containing components that are irritating to flowers and fruits, as well as excess pharmaceutical agents.

2 Pesticide damage. Burning leaves, white spots and other phenomena caused by overdosing and mixed spraying of various insecticides.

3 Herbicides Herbicides are used excessively to cause soil residues, yellowing of the stumbling, growth inhibition, and damage to neighboring vegetables caused by spraying of herbicides.

4 hormone harm. Due to the high temperature, concentration, excessive or excessive spraying, plant abnormal shape, malformed fruit, cracked fruit, and ossified leaves were caused.

2, fertilizer due to partial application of chemical fertilizers, resulting in soil salinization, lack of or excess (poisoning), resulting in plant burning, withered, yellow leaves, melons and other phenomena.

1 deficiency syndrome. Insufficient fertilization, defertilization, or excessive application of a single fertilizer causes certain elements to be fixed, making the plant less likely to absorb, and lack of trace elements.

2 poisoning. Excessive application of certain chemical fertilizers, trace fertilizers, or excessive amounts of certain elements caused by environmental pollution.

3, weather disasters. The damage caused by sudden changes in the weather and sudden natural disasters.

1 cold damage. Continuous low temperature in winter causes low temperature barriers to vegetable growth.

2 Freezing damage. Sudden cooling, frost damage.

3 heat damage. High-temperature barriers to heat-tolerant vegetables caused by persistent high temperatures.

4 burns. After the rain is over, the branches and leaves burn under the ultra-high temperature and strong light.

5 harm. Flood damage caused by flooding plants.

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