Field snail soft can finishing technology

1, raw material formula. 50 kg of fresh snails, 2.5 kg of salt, 4 kg of vegetable oil, 450 g of MSG, 5 kg of fresh ginger, 1.5 kg of garlic, 250 g of pepper, 250 g of paprika powder, 30 g of powdered anise, 150 g of cinnamon, 150 g of dried tangerine peel, cooking wine 1.8 kg.

2, grade finishing. The snails suitable for processing are 3-6 g/piece and can be divided into 2-3 grades by weight. The graded fresh snails are soaked in a tank containing clean water for about 6 hours. A small amount of salt and vegetable oil can also be placed in the water to encourage the snails to quickly puff up dust. Then the tail snails are used to remove the tail and smooth out. Leave 2 threads for degrees.

3, saline water stains. The modified snails were immediately placed in 2% salt and 3% baking soda for 15-3O minutes. The liquid temperature was kept below 10°C, and some of the bacteria died of dehydration and dehydration of snails.

4, rinse and drain. Put the snail into the rinsing tank and rinse it for about 30 minutes. Rinsing water temperature should be below 10 °C, rinsing to remove sediment and shell debris contained therein. Rinse and wash after use.

5, dislocation treatment. The appropriate amount of snail (depending on the size of the wok) and salt, stir in the pot for 5-8 minutes, then rinse and rinse.

6, fried seasoning. The rapeseed oil (1 serving of snail meat, 2 servings of vegetable oil) was placed in a pot and was put into the snail for 2-3 minutes until the snail meat became golden yellow. Then dip it into the sauce for about 1 minute and remove it. The preparation method of seasoning liquid is to add ginger, cinnamon, dried tangerine peel and the like in the formula by boiling for 1 hour, filter, add other ingredients except for removing wine, boil and dissolve, finally add the wine and then filter.

7, packaging sterilization. The prepared snails should be bagged with polyester/lead foil/polypropylene compound bag as soon as possible, 100 grams per bag, and sealed with a vacuum sealer. Do not contaminate the bag when bagging. Remove the broken and sealed bags, and wipe the water on the bags.

MAGIK Lift Series are made of  PDO (Polydioxanone), it is a thread with no cones, thus no damage to the tissue. This is the same thread used in Cardiac and other surgeries as sutures, and thus it is very safe.

Aging causes the skin tissue to be thin because the collagen and elastin fibre`s break down, which results in sagging skin, deep creases, folds and wrinkles. PDO Thread reverses the effects of aging.

Threads are implanted into the sub-dermal skin and stimulate the production of collagen and the skin becomes firmer, elastic and moisturised. The thread dissolves itself in couple of months but the effect last for 12-18 months.

The thread can be applied to anywhere on the body, such as a flabby face, cheeks, eyebrows, to prevent eye bags, sagging neck skin, fine lines around Cheeks, angle around the mouth, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen, smokers lines and lifting of breast.

Facial Thread

Facial Thread,PDO Thread Lifting Facial,PDO Facial Lift Threads,Lifting Thread

Dermax Technology Limited ,