Cultivation of New Strawberry Japonica Young Girl

The Jungmu girl strawberry variety is the Tochigi branch of Japan's Tochigi agricultural experimentation field. Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology in the hilly area of ​​Jiangsu Province was introduced from Japan in 1998. In the past two years, greenhouse cultivation was promoted in the local area. The result has been extremely satisfactory. There are obvious advantages in Mingba, Fengxiang, and Jungfeng's main planted strawberry varieties in terms of importance. The main performance is large fruit, high commodity rate, stable quality, storage and transportation, and good disease resistance. It is worth accelerating the introduction of demonstration and promotion.

First, to cultivate early disease-free seedlings. Choose robust and disease-free seedlings. The soil quality requires sandy loam soil, loose and fertile disease-free, and avoid continuous cropping.畦 1.3 meters wide, in the middle of March in the middle of each planting mother plant 1 row, spacing 40-50 cm, can add a small arch insulation management. The cover film was removed after the beginning of April. Diligently cultivating loose soil to keep the soil moist. Diligently trimmed stolons and pressed stems. Pay attention to the shade during hot and dry seasons. Pay attention to prevention and treatment of anthracnose, leaf spot and other leaf diseases and yellow, wilt disease. In the middle of July, planting seedlings were planted and planted, and shade nets were covered after the planting. Diligent irrigation and ensure the survival of planting.

Second, suitable for early planting. It is advisable to plant soil with soil before the flower bud differentiation or at the early stage of flower bud differentiation, ie in the middle of September. Irrigation after planting is more important than Fengxiang and female peaks. However, juniper young girls in the flowering buds prone to disease, at this time to prevent excessive irrigation, sub-dilution method should be taken to maintain the balanced growth of aboveground and underground, reduce the occurrence of bracts scab. After the results, the temperature was maintained at 25°C during the day and 5-8°C at night. In the early stage of bud initiation, especially the use of a 510-l concentration gibberellin solution at the beginning of the lateral inflorescence, it has a certain effect on the regulation of fertility to promote inflorescence and avoid the miniaturization of leaves in the cold period, but it should not be excessively repeated. use. To raise the bees pollinating. Take care to prevent excessive humidity in the booth.

Third, the amount of fertilizer. About 2000 kg per acre yields about 14 kg of nitrogen. The application rate of nitrogen fertilizer in basal fertilizer is 10-15 kilograms per mu. The period of fruit hypertrophy is the period of peak fertilization, so after the start of harvest, it should be divided into 4 to 4 times of three-component compound fertilizer, applying 10-15 kilograms per acre.

Fourth, strengthen pest control. Like the female actress, the young girl of the zelkova is not resistant to specific diseases. Occurrence of anthrax is similar to that of female peaks, and it must be controlled during the period of high temperature and high humidity. Chlorothalonil can be used as 800 times liquid, 10% as high as 3000 times liquid. Yellow, blight and other diseases can be controlled by using 3000 times of 92% Chamomile, 0.2% benomyl, etc., or covered with agricultural film in high temperature season. The control of powdery mildew and gray mold is centered on the pre-flowering stage and the pre-result stage, and can be controlled alternately with 50% SulfoMax 1000x, 3% POX 600x, etc. Fumigant smoked in the shed. Pay attention to check maggots.

Fifth, appropriate harvesting. The number of days required for flowering and ripening of young girls in the eucalyptus genus is slightly shorter than that of the female peak, especially after the coloring period. It is necessary to pay attention to prevent over ripe fruit during high temperature period. Since the interval between harvests is short, harvesting should be carried out as soon as possible.

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