Causes and Prevention of Bitterness in Cucumber

Cultivation of cucumbers in open and protected areas can sometimes lead to bitterness in cucumbers. This is caused by a substance called bitterness that causes vomiting, diarrhea, sputum, and other poisoning symptoms. The substance is the highest in the base of the cucumber stalk and can be inherited, and its content varies with different types, varieties, and cultivation conditions. Therefore, in addition to the high bitterness of individual cucumber varieties, bitterness will increase at low temperatures, high temperatures, insufficient light, excessive or insufficient nitrogen, and lack of water in the soil. In the prevention measures, we must grasp the following technical links.
First, if the rational seed-retaining species will have bitter fruit and leave melon seeds, the fruit produced by the next generation will still have a bitter taste. Therefore, when the cucumber is about to mature, take part of the epidermis to taste and choose a cucumber without bitter taste. In addition, the dark green color of cucumber varieties of bitter pigment content is higher, to avoid the selection of dark green varieties, should choose the light color of the species reserved.
Second, reasonable fertilization in the seedling stage should control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to avoid plant growth, after the appropriate increase in the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to the flowering fruit of the period, to strengthen the nitrogen fertilizer supply. Fertilizers use more organic fertilizers (such as biogas fertilizers) and less nitrogen fertilizers. Fertilization should be a small number of times, the concentration should be light should not be concentrated. Generally, it absorbs 2.8 kg of nitrogen, 0.9 kg of phosphorus, 3.9 kg of potassium, 3.1 kg of calcium, and 0.7 kg of magnesium per 1,000 kg of fruit. The dynamics of absorption of various nutrient elements are synchronized with the growth of plant growth. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer or phosphorus, potassium fertilizer is most likely to produce bitter taste. Therefore, it must be used in accordance with the required nutritional ratio in order to avoid bitter melon production.
Third, the reasonable control of greenhouse temperature using plastic greenhouse insulation cultivation, the local temperature is below 13 °C for a long time, the poor development of cucumber roots, weakening the absorption capacity of fertilizer and water, increased root bitter, easy to produce bitter melon. When the odor in the shed is higher than 30°C for a long time, less nutrients are accumulated and accumulated, which may also lead to the accumulation of bittersin in the melon strips. Therefore, the use of greenhouses planted cucumbers, one should not be premature colonization, to promote the cultivation of mulching, when the temperature in the shed can be set above 13 °C; Second, the initial period of colonization generally do not free ventilation, the shed to maintain the temperature during the day 25- 30 °C, night at 12-15 °C; Third, when the temperature in the early stage of guava shed exceeds 30 °C, it begins to ventilate and ventilate, and the vent must be closed in time after falling down to 28 °C in the afternoon; Fourth, the temperature in the shed during the latter period should be controlled. Below 32°C.
Fourth, reasonable irrigation cucumber roots into the shallow soil, can not absorb deep water, in the higher temperature, less soil moisture, easy to plant physiological drought, resulting in bitter melon. Therefore, it is required that there is sufficient moisture in the soil tillage layer, and at the same time, the cucumber leaves are large and thin, and the transpiration volume is large, so the air humidity is required to be large. In high-temperature weather, reasonable irrigation is used to regulate the humidity of the microclimate in the shed, to keep enough moisture in the soil, and to achieve a small number of times, the watering should be carried out in the sunny morning.
5. Pay attention to insert racks, tie vines, and picking up the heart brackets according to local customs to maximize the light between the plants and improve ventilation. Tied vines are generally carried out after 30 cm in length, and tied once every 3-4 times. When the Lord is full, he will pick his heart. (663600 Malipo County Agriculture Bureau, Yunnan Province)

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