Bad residue to feed the right amount of pig

The use of bad residue instead of part of compound feed to feed pigs can reduce feeding costs. However, if the amount of bad slag is too much, it will affect the weight gain and feed remuneration of pigs and extend the slaughter time. According to the test results, the amount of bean curd residue feeding can reach 25%, but it must be steamed for 10 to 15 minutes before feeding, or at least flushed with boiling water; the leftovers of beer slag or sugar can be dried or fed directly. The amount can exceed 30%; alcohol can not be fed more, the amount of feed is 8% to 15% is appropriate; sauce residue and dregs due to salt and antibiotics, feeding amount should be limited to about 5%.

The nutrition value of chicken claw is very high, contain rich calcium and collagen protein, proper intake not only can soften blood vessel, have beauty effect at the same time, the general population is edible. The chicken claw, the muscle, the gum is large. It is often used for cooking soup and also for halogen and sauce. For example: Chicken Feet, chicken feet. The thick and rich texture can also be cooked and removed from the bone, such as: the chicken with pepper and the broken bones, both crisp and delicious.

Chinese medicine believes that chicken claw flavor gan, sexual ping, non - toxic. The efficacy and function of chicken claw are mainly reflected in its therapeutic value. Often eat chicken feet, not only can make up calcium, play the role of strong tendon, still can beauty skin care. Chicken claw can eliminate edema, improve immunity, lower blood pressure, buffer anaemia, beneficial growth development.

The chicken claw is not only suitable for wasting, the immunity is low, the memory drops anaemia, edema and other symptoms of the people, the growth and development of children. It is also suitable for dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, tinnitus, and dizziness. Skin mucosa and fingernail and other colors pale, physical activity after feeling qi, osteoporosis, heart palpitation symptoms.

The chicken claw is compact and elastic, the chicken claw has high nutritional value and contains the calcium and collagen protein needed by the human body. I especially like eating food with bones, the meat on the side of the bone is special, and the chicken claw is one of my favorites. The secret chicken legsof chicken feet is also diversified. Today, we recommend a chicken claw, special flavor.

Special Cooking Chicken Feet

Special Cooking Chicken Feet,Cooked Chicken Feet,Nature Chicken Feet,Commercial Chicken Feet Cooking