Back prawn pond culture technology

First, the biological characteristics of white-tailed shrimp (A) habitat habits White-tailed shrimp living in the near shore and shallow sea, strong adaptability to the environment, the suitable range of 2 °C ~ 39 °C; salinity 3 ~ 30 ° range can adapt , The fastest growing in brackish water. However, the tolerance to hypoxia is poor. Below 1 mg/L, it will die due to lack of oxygen.
(b) diet and growth ridge tail white shrimp food wide and mixed, regardless of animal and plant food can eat. The growth cycle is short, 2 to 3 months can be grown into commercial shrimp. In three years, you can raise 3 miles.
(c) Breeding habits The white-tailed prawn has a good ability to reproduce, and it has almost all year-round eggs. A mature female, holding 300 to 400 fewer eggs, and more than 2000 to 2500, the breeding season generally occurs in the spring, summer and autumn three seasons, a year can be reproduced about 10 times.
Second, ridge-tailed white shrimp breeding techniques (A) shrimp ponds in general seawater ponds can be bred, but especially in the bottom of the harbor, sea water salinity is low, near the sea area is rich in natural white shrimp resources pond is the best . Aquaculture ponds should be selected to be free of pollution in the surrounding environment, with less silt in the ponds, with an area of ​​15 to 25 mu. It is advisable to separate the ponds into the drainage system, and it is better to enter the drainage when the tide is small. There is a ring ditch in the pond. The water depth of the pond surface is 0.5 to 0.8 meters, and the water depth of the ring ditch is about 1.5 meters.
(b) Seedlings: natural seedlings or artificial seedlings (Dichi)
1, Na natural seedlings can take the following methods according to different situations:
(1) After catching prawn in a seawater pond, attention should be paid to keeping the white shrimp in the pond. At the time of catching, the shrimp began to leave the gate at the end of a large number of white shrimps. At this time, they had to close the gates in time, and repeatedly put the shrimps. The shrimps could be released and the white shrimps could be kept.
(2) Pay close attention to the occurrence of white shrimp seedlings in the sea area, and adopt the method of draining water from the vegetable net into the dense water net to enter the white shrimp seedlings.
2, artificial seedlings: The most widely used method is to use fertilizer and water to breed white shrimp seedlings, the main measures are:
(1) To increase the density of shrimp seedlings in ponds by using fertilizer and water to breed white shrimps. Every time the white shrimp is caught in the pond, leave enough mature shrimp species (1 to 3 kg per mu), especially for the winter season. Leave the parents at the end of August in the lunar calendar. At this time, stop entering and draining the water and raise the bait through fertilization. Algae density, and appropriate feeding of fish and shrimp, egg yolk, and soy milk. The egg yolks to be fed should be wrapped in 120-mesh sieves and then kneaded into egg yolk suspension. Like the soy milk, Quanchiposa, egg yolk, and soy milk The daily dosage is 10 to 20 ppm. White shrimp have enough feed after hatching to increase the survival rate of shrimp seedlings.
(2) If there are not enough eggs in the pond, they can be collected from the sea area and add about 200 mu. Especially in winter and spring, due to the seasons of collecting and harvesting of various products of Tong Pond, the white shrimps are severely deficient, and rely on parental breeding to meet the needs of the ponds.
3. Breeding mode Sanmen Bay Breeding ridge tailed white prawn is mainly polyculture, with mixed crabs (blue crabs) and shellfish (clams or loach) as the mainstream. The output value of white-tailed prawn occupies one-third of the whole pond. The annual yield per mu is above 100 kg; followed by polyculture of shrimp, crab and shellfish. At this time, the white tailed shrimp is used as a by-product. Because of the different collection methods of shrimp and white tailed shrimp, and the white shrimp is not subject to seasonal restrictions, it is possible to increase the circumference. Comprehensive benefits.
4: feeding bait insist on feeding every day, shrimp can be used with food, fresh small fish, shrimp, wheat bran No. 4 powder, etc., according to the season, weather, water temperature, tide, water quality and other environmental factors, combined with the actual feeding situation, reasonably determined. According to the density of shrimp in the pond, the shrimp body water and feeding conditions determine the amount of feeding, which is less in the early period and gradually increases in the middle period. In the later period, as the water temperature decreases, the feeding amount or basically does not vote. Within 3 cm, according to 8 to 10% of the weight of the tail-tailed white shrimp, 3 to 5 centimeters are weighed from 5 to 8% of the weight, and 0.5 to 1 kg of bait per acre is fed. The water temperature in the winter falls below 5°C and the white shrimp does not eat. At this point stop feeding.
5: Remove predators to eliminate the main enemy fishes. For those fish that are harmful to the enemy, such as Chinese Wutang, Ni fish, scorpionfish, jellyfish, etc., they must be promptly removed. Early use of tea cakes can be used in the middle and late stages. The combination of catch and cage traps is to clean up.
6: Main physicochemical indexes of water management ponds: pH value controlled at 7.8-8.6, optimal salinity 8-26, dissolved oxygen 5mg/L, ammonia nitrogen 0.5mg/L, hydrogen sulfide 0.1mg/L, chemical consumption Oxygen content below 4mg/L, pool water transparency 30cm to 40cm. The water level is maintained at about 1 meter, and the high temperature period and the low temperature period rise to 1.2 to 1.5 meters. The tide is mainly filled with water, generally 3 to 4 days for changing the water once, when the tide is changed as much as possible, enter the drainage once, change the amount of water 10-20% to promote the shelling of white shrimp, such as when the water quality in the pond is poor, to increase the amount of water . In the high temperature season, the daily water exchange capacity is increased to 20% to 40%. The water quality in the sea area is not good, and the water exchange interval can be appropriately extended. Before and after the change of water to avoid excessive changes in pool salinity, it should be controlled within 3%. From time to time, microbial preparations such as photosynthetic bacteria, zeolite powder, and natural water quality improvers are used. The photosynthetic bacteria with a concentration of more than 1 billion cells/ml were used to sprinkling 10 mg/L of total photosynthetic bacteria in the early stage of shrimp culture, and then sprinkled with 5 mg/L every 7 to 10 days. Zeolitic powder is spilled during the culture period and spilled from 100mg/L to 150mg/L every two weeks.
7: Day-to-day management Every morning and evening, the pool is visited once. The pond should observe the feeding, growth, color, embankment, drainage gates, gates, etc. of the shrimps and find out that the problem is solved in time. When encountering adverse weather conditions, it is particularly necessary to observe and take timely measures to ensure the safety of shrimp ponds and the healthy growth of white shrimp. Regularly measure physical and chemical indicators such as water temperature, salinity, and pH, and growth indicators such as body weight and body length of white shrimp, and do a good job in production log records.
8: timely collection of white shrimp until the length of 5 to 6 cm, you can catch up the market, there are two types of catch: First, the use of shrimp cages to catch; Second, the catch can be released, that is, in the drainage gate placement cone Shaped sleeve nets, open gates, water, shrimp into the net with water.

Growth Hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH), also known as somatocrinin or by several other names in its endogenous forms and as somatorelin (INN) in its pharmaceutical form, is a releasing hormone of growth hormone (GH). It's released from the hypothalamus releases which stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone. There are many positive effects of Increasing GHRH. In the bodybuilding fields, the Increase of GHRH in human body decreased the skeletal muscle cell death and atrophy , also led to increased muscle mass and growth. In human muscle cells, treatment with GHRH promotes muscle health and prevents muscle atrophy. Then, how to increase GHRH in bodybuilding? First, let me introduce you MK677.


MK677, commonly known as Nutrobal is an oral growth hormone secretagogue that is designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone. It Inhibits the signaling of somatostatin receptors, Slows down the activity of somastostatin in the system and Improves somatotroph signaling in growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH) It requires no PCT after the cycle due to MK 677 is non-hormonal. It is best utilised in at least a 3 month cycle with dosage increasing each month. The optimal dosing time for MK 677 is before the end of the night of going bed. MK 677 (Nutrobal) is similar to peptides like Ipamorelin and GHRP-6, but you won`t feel any typical side effects like peptides. This is the reason why SARMS like MK 677 are considered as game changers in the world of fitness and in pharmaceutical science. MK-677 powder is frequently discussed on online forums for its anabolic muscle-building properties. It is available over the counter and used by those wishing to increase their growth hormone levels and gain muscle.


Moreover, here are the positive effects of MK 677 (Nutrobal) in terms of improving growth hormone pulse intensity:

Inhibits the signaling of somatostatin receptors

Slows down the activity of somastostatin in the system

Improves somatotroph signaling in growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH)

Amplifies and increases the overall production and release of GHRH


How to dose MK-677

A dose of 25 milligrams taken daily is effective from the research suggests. You should take this dose at the same time every day, better in the morning with an empty stomach. Following this guidelines will help provide the supplement`s benefits while minimizing any potential side effect. It will also help absorption of the supplement. The Bodybuilding Supplement should also be accompanied by a high quality diet and training program in order to maximize results. This diet would include high protein, sufficient vitamin and minerals, and healthy fats. Meanwhile, a varied or sports-specific training program should be carried out. This should include weight training and cardio where appropriate.


MK 677 example cycle

Month 1 - 10mg once daily
Month 2 - 20mg once daily
Month 3 - 30mg once daily



Is your MK677 ready to use?

Our MK677 is Sarms Raws , but we offer the recipe and step guidance of homebrew for you.


Do you need a PCT after using SARMs?

No, there is no need to run a PCT(post cycle therapy) after using SARMS. Since they won't upset the hormonal levels in the body. All you need is some basic PCT supplements over the counte.


Increasing Ghrh

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